Photographie commerciale professionnelle à Dakar, Sénégal. Bateau sénégalais. Belle Equato-Guinéenne Modèle Africain
  /  Art and Culture   /  The Life and Work of Serigne Souhaïbou: A Captivating Report
The Life and Work of Serigne Souhaïbou: A Captivating Report

The Life and Work of Serigne Souhaïbou: A Captivating Report

As part of the Magal 2025, Madyana Studio produced a captivating report on the life and work of Serigne Souhaïbou Mbacké, son of Serigne Touba Khadimou Rassoul. This report highlights the spiritual and social impact of Serigne Souhaïbou on the Mouride community.

Les Intervenants Clés

This exceptional report includes the testimonies of great figures such as Serigne Chérif Mbacké ibn Serigne Fallou, Serigne Abdoul Ahad Mbacké ibn Serigne Habibou, Serigne Beyti Amar ibn Serigne Imnou and Baye Modou Bâ, muezzin. Their words enrich the content and offer an in-depth perspective on the legacy left by Serigne Souhaïbou.

Madyana Studio’s Evocative Photography

The production of this report is accompanied by high-quality professional photography. Each image, carefully chosen, tells a story and highlights the importance of storytelling. Coordination by the Magal Cultural Commission ensured that the report was not only informative but also visually engaging.

In short, this report on Serigne Souhaïbou is a valuable resource that testifies to the cultural and spiritual richness of the Mouride community. Madyana Studio has brilliantly paid tribute to this emblematic figure, offering an insight into his life and influence.